No Cure.
Most research workers in this field find little success trying to treat the heterosexual TV. Today we have no effective means of "cure". Not many heterosexual TVs, however, want to be "cured".
The education of children today does not, as much as before, try to make distinctions between masculinity and femininity. This will surely have some preventative effects against the development of heterosexual TVism.
Dr. Kaplan sums up: "We are here facing a sexual deviation which is due to deep-lying psychic factors and we have few or no possibilities to give any treatment. Therefore, we must do what we can in order to help these people in trying to understand their problem and accepting and tolerating their behavior. It is my opinion that sexual deviations which do not do any harm to any fellow human being, psychically or physically should be one's own private affair."
Dotties Dress Shop
"It looks great Junior. . .but when is this Charlies Aunt thing coming've been practicing for two years!"
"Hurry up George, or we'l: miss the lingerie sale." "O.K., O.K. Frank. I'm coming. I need some new slips as much as you do.”